Just one more step to confirm your spot on the free event Baking Basics.
Please answer the questions below:
Which of the sentences below is closest to your reality?
I'm a professional baker and I dedicate myself entirely to this area
Baking is an additional source of income since I have another job
I have another job I bake just for fun, and for now, I don't intend to sell anything I'm not
I'm not involved in baking, and I'm here purely out of curiosity
Where do you live?
North America
South America
How long have you followed me on Instagram for?
Less than 1 month
2 to 6 months
7 months to 1 year
Over 1 year
I do not follow you on Instagram
Have you taken any of my courses before?
Yes, I’m already a student.
No, I’m not your student yet.
Why are you interested in cakes? What is your main motivation for wanting to learn more?
What are your main struggles when it comes to cake baking? (especially sponges and fillings)
If you could ask me any question about cake baking (especially sponges and fillings), what would that question be?
Anything else you'd like to share or ask? Feel free to write whatever is in your mind.